Streamline Your Workflow

We are experts in our field, so you can be an expert in yours. We don’t expect you to know exactly what you need in a crane—tell us what the application is and we’ll be able to design exactly the system you need to streamline your workflow. After all, the goal is to make everything easier and more cost effective for your work force and your bottom line.
From Idea to Installation
Getting the job right the first time is the only way to fabricate crane equipment. You can trust us to start out right from our very first meeting. We will come to your door to observe your operation first hand, take precision measurements, and discuss exactly what you’re looking for in a custom crane installation. Only then will we develop an initial design. No matter how complex or heavy the application, we can build it.
We Install It All
At Otsego Crane & Hoist, our skilled technicians fabricate and install custom cranes in a variety of industries including automotive, medical, aviation, metal and concrete manufacturing as well as heavy equipment repair, just to name a few. If you’re in the planning stages of a new facility, making upgrades to an existing building, or simply ready to replace that out-of-date equipment, our team can engineer exactly the right bridge, workstation, gantry or jib crane for your needs.
Fabricated by experts in the heart of the Midwest
Before your new crane design goes up in your building, it’s already gone up in ours. This is to ensure that every weld, bolt and measurement is exactly right. Once your fabrication is complete we can get you up and running in record time, ahead of the competition.